Weight loss tips to help you For Permanent Weight Loss

You may ask yourself, why is it that some people struggle to lose the same 20lbs over and over again, while others are able to lose weight naturally, even losing significant amounts and managing to keep it off? Successful people have the following 3 pillars in place in their lives, that help them to meet their needs in healthy and productive ways.

The great news is that you can adopt these too!

1. Focus on what you can control

Ask yourself the question, do you focus on the things that you can control or do you tend to focus on unreliable things which are outside of your influence and control? Is your focus on the positive experiences that you want to have today or is it on your fears of what might happen?

You see where your focus goes, and your energy flows, whether this is positive or negative. Successful people focus on what they can control and not on what they don’t want to happen or what they fear.

2. Tools & Strategies

Everyone has tools and strategies that they use each day to meet their needs, whether they know this or not. The trick is to know which ones work for you and which ones don’t. In fact many people who struggle with their weight are often using food as a strategy to cope with their emotions, they often get feelings of comfort and security from eating certain foods. This strategy doesn’t promote health and wellbeing.

Here are some tools and strategies you can use for weight loss:

3. Resolve Inner Conflict

Even when you have the 1st two pillars working for you, if you have an inner conflict, it can cause you to self-sabotage your best efforts and use food to manage things that food just can’t fix. I mean can chocolate really mend your broken heart? You have to identify this inner conflict and resolve it in order to be able to live the healthy life that you desire.

Hypnotherapy and life coaching for weight loss

Contact Be a Better You for help on your weight loss journey

I invite you to book a free discovery call with me, to see if you would be a good fit for my weight loss programme.

So many people are so driven by a pattern of behaviour or feelings that they miss out on a great experiences in life. They spend their time and energy focusing on their struggle and desires around food and sadly that means that they don’t get to enjoy their lives in the way that they

should each day.

The truth about being overweight or underweight is that it isn’t about the food. It is actually about your deep-down feelings and relationship with yourself.

If you would like to explore how hypnotherapy and life coaching can help you on your weight loss journey, visit Be A Better You and I would be happy to book you in for a consultation.


Video presentation, taking the pain out of Weight loss using hypnotherapy!


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