
I can help you to make changes on a subconscious level, which means that they are fast and permanent! Do you need help dealing with areas of your life, such as Anxiety, stress, depression, weight loss, stopping smoking & addictions, to name a few, then contact me for a chat to see how I can help you.

Areas that I Specialise in:

  • Hypnotherapy is proven to be very effective in raising a clients self esteem & confidence. Self esteem is how we perceive ourselves; what we think about ourselves and how much we value ourselves. Our self esteem is actually made up of thoughts and opinions, often formed in our early childhood years, about who we are and what we are capable of.

    These thoughts and opinions tend to be influenced by experiences we have and/or the people who we are surrounded by. For example if someone had a particularly critical parent, or someone bullied them at school, they may struggle with low self esteem.

    The beliefs that we have about ourselves can feel ingrained and difficult to change. The great news is that they can be changed and changed very quickly, using Hypnotherapy.

    Hypnotherapy is very effective for improving both confidence & self esteem as it works directly with the subconscious mind, where the negative thoughts about ourselves live.

    Having low self esteem can have a huge negative impact on our happiness. It makes it difficult for us to recognise our strengths and it can hold us back both personally & professionally. We may struggle to show ourselves kindness and practice self care, leading to stress and burnout.

    Low self esteem can lead to poor mental health in the future if it is not addressed, such as anxiety & depression.

    Give yourself the gift of healthy, positive thoughts today!

    Happy thoughts, happy life!

  • We all experience feeling of anxiety (unease, worry& fear) at some point in our lives. In fact over 8 million of us in the UK experience anxiety per year.


    As humans we evolved to protect ourselves. One of the ways we do this is through the ‘flight, fight or freeze reaction. If our brains perceive a threat or danger, it releases hormones to prepare us to run away, fight, or freeze. These hormones include adrenaline and cortisol and they make us more vigilant of whats happening. They also make our hearts beat faster, so blood is sent where it is needed the most when we are under attack.

    Its a great system, but as society has developed, we have less need for it. However for many of us the system gets activated when there is no physical danger present. For example, this response might be triggered by our manager asking us to add another task to our already long to do list.

    We then end up internalising the feeling and find ourselves sitting at our desks, with our hearts pounding, with no idea how to make it stop. Anxiety then becomes a mental health problem when it starts affecting your daily life.

    You may be easily triggered again due to your childhood experiences and find that you have a level of anxiety throughout the day.

    Again Hypnotherapy can help you to reduce your levels of anxiety once and for all.

  • It is said that children are only born with 2 fears; the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises; other fears are picked up as we grow.

    Fears, phobias and anxiety are usually picked up in childhood. We learn by watching and imitating our parents and care givers.

    Regularly witnessing your mother or father in a state of anxiety can have a long lasting effect.

    As mentioned, children look to their primary caregiver for feedback on their environment. If you saw your parents constantly anxious you may have adopted the belief that the world is not a safe place and this belief could be causing you to suffer with anxiety yourself.

    People who suffer from continued anxiety often find they have a weakened Immune system, therefore getting a lot of colds and other illnesses.

    Anxiety is a learned response and as such it can be unlearned with the use of Hypnotherapy.

    Firstly Hypnotherapy helps a client to relax and this can help reduce anxiety, but also we can use Hypnotherapy to remove Trauma and change the story that a client is telling themselves, as well as desensitise clients to anxiety inducing events.

    I work with clients to heal Inner Child Trauma.

    This is when children grow up with parents who see their children as more of a hinderance than a gift, so they treat their children with contempt and see them as dumping grounds for their own toxic shame.

    This can lead to children developing a very negative self image and can manifest in many ways such as anxiety or panic attacks, uncomfortable feelings or violent outbursts.

    Hypnotherapy for Inner child healing can help adults who grew up in such environments to quieten their inner critic, reduce their anxiety and feel more secure in the world. Most importantly it can help them recognise these patterns and understand them, so that they don’t hurt others or pass the same issues onto their own children.

  • Often we see patterns emerging in our lives when it comes to our relationship choices. These patterns come from our sub conscious minds and are often limiting your relationship choices.

    Hypnotherapy can help you learn to cope with conflict and manage difficult emotions more easily. It can help you build confidence and ask for what you need, something that is so important in relationships. Communication is vital and hypnotherapy may well be able to help you with this.

    A toxic relationship is any relationship that has a damaging effect on you. This could involve a friend who always makes you feel bad about yourself or even being in an abusive relationship.

    Often when we find ourselves in these situations we are being manipulated and lack the self esteem and confidence needed to walk away.

    After you leave a relationship like this, it can be difficult to get back to normal. You may find it hard to rebuild your confidence or overcome traumatic memories. Hypnotherapy can help you with this.

    Hypnotherapy helps you rebuild your self esteem and addresses unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour, allowing you to move on and reconnect with yourself and your needs..

    You have a huge amount of power within you and hypnotherapy can help you tap into that.

    Hypnotherapy can help you anchor yourself in a safe place, learning to self soothe and manage difficult memories.

    Being stuck in certain ways of thinking, feelings and behaviours is something that hypnotherapy can really support.

  • Sleep is something that everybody needs. It plays a vital role in both physical and mental health, however sleeping problems, such as insomnia, can make it difficult for some people to get enough sleep.

    As well as making you feel tired, lack of sleep can lead to physical illness and increase your risk of heart disease. Mentally, not getting enough sleep can lead to anxiety and can make it hard for you to concentrate.

    What is Insomnia?

    Insomnia is defined as difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep long enough to feel refreshed the next morning.

    A rough sleep can leave you feeling drained and irritable the next day. Those who suffer from insomnia will experience these feeling regularly.

    It is estimated that a third of people in the UK have episodes of Insomnia during their lives.

    Hypnotherapy is a really successful treatment for Insomnia. It can tackle potential causes while helping you to relax and drop off to sleep.

    For example, if anxiety or depression is the source of your insomnia, hypnosis for sleep may complement your existing treatment. Overcoming these issues may then help to improve your sleeping pattern. Alternatively, if a habit is causing your insomnia (such as alcohol) hypnotherapy for insomnia can work to break this habit.

    The worry, tension and anxiety that may be keeping you from falling asleep fades away as the suggestions planted by hypnosis therapy help your mind and body to relax and get the sleep you deserve.

    Some people will only need one hypnotherapy session to alleviate their insomnia while others need to go a bit deeper and will require more sessions.

  • Hypnotherapy for quitting smoking can be a very effective method for most people.

    My 2 hour session has a fantastic success rate. At the end you will be a non smoker.

    Smoking is one of the greatest single causes of illness and premature death in the UK.

    It takes more than just will power to give up. Its important to recognise why you want to quit and only try when you are ready.

    Its never too late to stop smoking, whatever age you are, if you make the decision to stop, your health will benefit. However the sooner you stop, the faster the body can recover and the risk of developing serious health conditions will decrease.

    Benefits to stopping smoking:

    .more energy

    .improved immune system

    .longer life expectancy

    .better breathing

    .less stress

    .younger looking skin

    .more money

    .reduced risk of cancers, heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease & vascular disease

    .saving money (a pack a day, costs around £3,500 a year)

    The Effects of smoking cessation on the body:

    Time since the last cigarette and how it affects the body:

    .20 minutes: Blood pressure & heart rate return to normal

    .12 hours: Carbon Monoxide levels drop back to normal

    .24 hours: The body starts to clear out the mucus build-up in the lungs.

    .72 hours: Breathing becomes easier and energy levels increase.

    1 month: Appearance of the skin improves.

    3 to 9 months: Lung function can improve by up to 10%

    1 year: Risk of suffering from a heart attack falls to about half of that of a smoker.

    .10 years: Risk of developing lung cancer falls to about half of that of a smoker

    15 years: Risk of suffering a heart attack falls to that of a non smoker.

    Any with drawl symptoms will vary from person to person but will peak in the first 3 days.

    Hypnotherapy and my session is an extremely effective way for you to stop smoking once and for all.

    I also record the session and give you this to reinforce for the first 21 days.

  • Hypnotherapy for alcohol abuse can help you if you are struggling to break your addiction, by working with the root cause of the dependency, then using suggestion techniques to help adjust negative thoughts and behaviours associated with the addiction.

    What is alcohol addiction?

    Being dependant on alcohol means that you feel like you are unable to relax or enjoy yourself without a drink. You may feel like you are unable to function at all without drinking, and that it has become an important, or the most important factor in your life.

    Alcohol dependency, (also known as alcoholism, alcohol addiction, or being an alcoholic) doesn’t have to mean you drink a lot at all times, or that you binge drink on certain days of the week. If you are drinking alcohol regularly, be that as a way to unwind, or cope with particularly stressful situations, you are likely to have at least a degree of alcohol dependency.

    Problem drinking isn’t always easy to identify. You may not notice when alcohol goes from being part of your social life to shaping your whole life and the choices you make.

    It can affect your life in many different ways, harming your mind, body and relationships. Over time it can have a detrimental effect on those around you too.

    In the UK an estimated 9% of men and 3% of women, show signs of alcohol dependency. This can happen at any age, to anyone, no matter what their background.

    Your environment and past experiences can contribute to you developing a dependency on alcohol.

    Those around us, family, friends and even the media, can all have an impact on our behaviour, how we approach problems and what we do to try and manage our own issues.

    How can Hypnotherapy help with drinking problems?

    The thing with addiction is that often, there are a number of underlying issues that have led to the problem. Whether it be a traumatic event, a past experience or a number of stressors, if you have turned to alcohol or another substance as a way of self medicating, the issue hasn’t been dealt with. Somewhere deep down, the effects are still there, quietly fuelling your addiction.

    Hypnotherapy looks to change the way you think and behave in certain situations. Hypnosis for drinking aims to access you unconscious (the part of your mind that runs without you knowing), and using suggestion techniques, help you change the negative thoughts and behaviours associated with addiction.

  • Hypnotherapy can help you to understand the link between the mind and the gut, and in turn ease the stress and anxiety caused by IBS, to provide relief from your symptoms.

    IBS is a common disorder of the digestive system and gut that causes the bowel to be very sensitive, this causes recurring pain and discomfort in the abdomen as often the nerves and the muscles don’t work as they should. The pain can range from mild to severe.

    It is estimated that 10% of the population Worldwide have IBS.

    Hypnotherapy for IBS can help you to learn new ways to manage stress. Our state of mind can have an impact on our physical well-being. Therefore the tension, stress and anxiety often caused by IBS may undermine the immune system and further compromise health.

    Learning how to relax and manage stressful feelings can become useful life tools. Hypnosis can help to promote positive thinking and develop coping strategies.

    Through Hypnotherapy I can help you recognise the problem by accessing your subconscious mind.

    A number of clinical studies have found Hypnotherapy for IBS to be an effective treatment, including a recent study in The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology journal.

    “Results showed that immediately after treatment, participants in the two hypnotherapy groups reported satisfactory relief at substsntially higher rates than those who received educational supportive care, and these benefits persisted for 9 months after the treatment ended.”

    My Hypnotherapy treatment will help you

    Recognise and learn to cope with any worries or fears contributing to IBS, increasing your confidence and well-being.

    Learning self hypnosis techniques so you can continue the sessions at home.

    Visualisations and suggestions, with the aim of decreasing the sensitivity of the gut and increasing confidence.

    Everyone is different and some people may only need a couple of sessions, some people may need more.

    Take control now!

  • Therapy that addresses the mind-body connection are recommended for people dealing with long term, chronic pain. Stress & anxiety are common side effects of pain and can even make the sensation feel worse. The way the mind responds to pain also links to the perception of physical sensations.

    Helping to reduce stress and change the thought patterns related to pain can therefore make a huge difference to pain perception, Hypnotherapy is fantastic at this.

    Rather than convincing you that your pain doesn’t exist, Hypnosis for pain aims to manage and fear and anxiety you may have relating to your pain. It also helps to reduce stress and relax the nervous system to help it become less reactive to pain.

    Hypnosis for pain also refocuses your mind away from the pain and onto something more pleasant.

    I find that my clients always leave the session with significantly less pain than when they arrived. I also give the recording with you so hat you can also use it to reinforce the session at home, again giving you more control.

    Hypnotherapy is a natural therapy with no side effects, except deep relaxation. It is very effective for most people in their treatment of chronic pain.

    Areas of pain covered:


    Cancer & treatment side effects

    Cluster headaches & migraines

    Complex Regional pain syndrome (CRPS)



    Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

    Sciatica & back pain

  • Hypnotherapy is a brilliant tool to help overcome driving test nerves. During hypnosis, we can bypass the conscious mind and help put suggestions into the subconscious mind to enable the two to work together. By doing this we can start training the imagination to work for you, rather than against you.

    In this situation we can run through an ideal driving test in your mind while hypnotised. Instead of playing a horror movie of everything going wrong, we can suggest everything going right, you feel nice and calm, relaxed and in control.

    We can go through all of the manoeuvres in your mind, with you feeling how you would like to feel during your test.

    We are starting to re-train your mind by doing this and breaking the unhelpful habits you have got into by imagining things going wrong.

    By imagining things going right, you are training your body and mind to react in a positive helpful way!

  • How Can Hypnotherapy Help?

    As with most phobias, this isn’t something that you can control consciously. People may tell you to ‘relax’, but usually this does little to control your symptoms. This is because the symptoms you experience stem from you unconscious.

    Hypnotherapy works with your unconscious to find out where the root of your anxiety comes from. Typically it comes from misinformation gathered from a past experience. During the hypnotherapy session once the cause is pinpointed I then use suggestion techniques to correct any misinformation.

    What I typically find with most clients is that it stems from something that happened at school when they first learned to be embarrassed in front of their peers.

    If it can be learned, then it can be unlearned, with the help of Hypnotherapy, to change the meaning or qualities of those early experiences, which influences the way we feel about certain situations in the present.

    Alongside this you will find you have great levels of confidence in your ability.

Reprogram Negative Beliefs:

Hypnotherapy is actually a natural relaxed state that we all experience every day!

For example, when we are staring out the window, daydreaming, driving a car on autopilot and also just before we fall asleep at night. What it does, is it gives us access to our subconscious minds, which are programmed to keep us safe at all times.

Our Subconscious minds do not like change, even if that change is positive.

To give you an example, if you grew up with parents who constantly told you that you were stupid, you believe this, as it is all that you have known. Then if you find a partner later on in life who tells you that ‘you are smart’, your subconscious mind will reject this as it is not what you were brought up to believe, even though it is better for you, you will potentially sabotage the relationship as this way of thinking is so different from what you believe about yourself.

You see we all have patterns of thinking and beliefs that we take on in childhood:

these beliefs aren't actually our own, they belong to our parents, caregivers, teachers and we adopt them as ours, I mean, why would we challenge them as children.

The problem is that often these beliefs are in fact negative and hold us back in many areas of our lives. By using Hypnotherapy I can reprogram these negative beliefs:

to help you make permanent change in many areas of your life.

We use exercise & nutrition to help our bodies to stay fit and healthy and it’s important for us to also make sure that our thoughts and ways of thinking also get rebooted, just like a computer, to ensure that we can make the most out of our lives.

I have helped countless clients like you, to overcome and reprogram their negative thoughts & consequent patterns of behaviour, to enable them to be able to move forward to live the life that they truly want!

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Hypnosis is a modality that has been proven to work over Centuries. It can be described as simply a state of focused awareness, during which time your conscious mind or Analytical brain moved aside to allow your subconscious mind to become highly creative and receptive to new ideas.

  • Anyone who wants to be Hypnotised, can be. Hypnosis is a natural state that we go into everyday, such as when we are reading a book or even driving. Hypnosis is a simple state of focused awareness, or deep relaxation.

  • No, you will definitely not lose control. In fact during hypnosis you remain in complete control the whole time. Hypnosis is a state of focused awareness that is induced through the Therapist's directions. Hypnosis cannot happen without your participation. The more you follow the Therapist’s instructions, the more relaxed and receptive you will be able to become and therefore the more effective the treatment.

  • Contrary to popular belief it does not matter if you can't go deep into a Hypnotic state. This is because your subconscious mind will hear everything that it needs to hear. So even if you are lying there and you have thoughts about what you are making for dinner that evening, what the kids are doing at the weekend, did you switch your hair straighteners off, your subconscious mind still hears everything that it needs too. Sometimes in fact my clients get so relaxed and fall asleep, again this is ok, as your subconscious mind still hears what it needs to hear.

  • The key part of my weight loss programmes are to help clients lose weight naturally and safely for the long term by developing new ways of thinking about food and new habits around food. It is common with my clients to lose an average of 3-4lbs in the 1st week and 2lbs each week thereafter. Unlike diets this programme promotes a progressive but durable transition to your ideal weight and to keep it off forever.

Life is a journey and by breaking things down into bitesize chunks through the coaching process, setting, working towards and achieving your goals and dreams becomes an enjoyable journey.

What is stopping you from achieving your best life and living your life with passion?

“‘Success without fulfilment is the ultimate failure.”

— Tony Robins