Hypnotherapy for the Menopause

Hypnotherapy for the Menopause Hypnotherapy has many benefits during the Menopause and it is often not even discussed by many Doctors. The Menopause is the time in a Women’s life, when it can feel like they are losing control of their bodies. So if you already had body hang ups about your weight, body image and self esteem, these are often compounded to make you feel even worse about yourself, which can then have a knock on effect Psychologically. It can be a really difficult time, and no 2 clients Menopause are the same. This is why having a bespoke Hypnotherapy programme is needed for each individual client.

It can be a really difficult time, and no 2 clients Menopause are the same. This is why having a bespoke Hypnotherapy programme is needed for each individual client.

Menopause symptoms include:

  • Hot flushes

  • Night sweats

  • Difficulty getting or staying asleep

  • Anxiety Confidence

  • Weight gain (due to lack of certain hormones)

  • All over body pain

I myself have gone through a chemical Menopause, due to the Chemotherapy that I had for Breast Cancer in 2021 and I can tell you it is not very nice. In fact my symptoms of pain, Insomnia, hot flushes, weight gain and Anxiety felt worse than the after effects of my Cancer treatment. This is a bold statement, however it really is the truth. What I am saying is that people often under rate the significance of these various symptoms on the quality of someone's life. I am so happy that I have been able to utilise Hypnotherapy with great success to help alleviate the majority of my symptoms and can therefore hand on heart know that I can make a huge difference to the quality of life of many of my Female clients. Firstly it's important to help you regain control of your body and this means helping you to really get confidence around the food that you choose to eat and adapting to a healthy lifestyle, changing negative thought patterns which in turn helps with our emotional wellbeing. Our metaboism naturally slows down as we get older, this is why a healthy diet and exercise is vital during this time. Hypnotherapy can therefore help prevent Menopausal weight gain.

Reducing the number and severity of the debilitating hot flushes, will certainly make a difference to your everyday life. At one point I was having around 80 hot flushes per day, it was constant and I felt like I was in Hell. The best present that my Husband ever bought me was a hand held rechargeable fan, we laugh about it now but in all seriousness, these really took their toll on my quality of life. Hypnotherapy has reduced the number and the severity of these for me. So being able to fall asleep at night can be very difficult during this time. There were nights when I was still watching the clock until 3 or 4 in the morning, even when I got asleep the hot flashes would wake me back up.

I then used Hypnotherapy relaxations to help me get over and stay asleep. Included in this were healing suggestions to help my body heal during the sleep cycle as well. All in all the Menopause can be a really tricky time for a lot of Women, but don’t just put up with the symptoms and give my Hypnotherapy a try. You wont regret it!


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